Africa Teen Authors
Book Initiative (ATABI)
Executive Summary
The Africa Teen Authors Book Initiative (ATABI) is an international literary platform that empowers African teenagers to share their stories and showcase their talents. Championed by KwaziThina Publishers, ATABI aims to promote African excellence, redefine the perception of Africa, and unlock the creative potential of African youth.
ATABI was first launched on February 1, 2021, in Luqoqweni, Eastern Cape province, South Africa. ATABI is one of the initiatives of KwaziThina Publishers, a Pan-African publishing house founded by Nomawele Njongo. ATABI was inspired by Kwazi Njongo and Thina Njongo, two published teen authors who were just 13 and 15 years old at the time. They are the sons of Nomawele Njongo, the founder of KwaziThina Publishers, which was named after them.
The Africa Teen Authors Book Initiative (ATABI)

The Africa Teen Authors Book Initiative (ATABI) Objectives
The Africa Teen Authors Book Initiative (ATABI) Objectives

The Africa Teen Authors Book Initiative (ATABI) Objectives
Program Overview
Alumni network
Connect, collaborate, and support each other.
International Leadership Team:
Provide opportunities for alumni to connect, collaborate, and support each other.
Promote African stories and the ATABI initiative.
ATABI Alumni
Every teen who participates and has their story selected for the edited African anthology becomes part of the ATABI